
Últimas noticias del grupo christ & heiri

IATF und ISO Recertification until 2027
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Thomas Seeler (CEO) und Ralf Zeller (Leitung Technische Dienste)
Grieshaber achieves EcoVadis certification for sustainability with top rating
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Christ & Heiri AG is climate neutral – Grieshaber Feinmechanik reduces CO2 emissions
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Successful certification according to IATF 16949 at our site in Mexico
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Group photos of the awards ceremonies in 2018, 2019 and 2023, as well as the awards from 2016 and 2017
Christ & Heiri is awarded as «Brose Key Supplier» for the fifth time
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Grieshaber Feinmechanik is awarded silver medal for sustainable business by EcoVadis
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Christ & Heiri Group ist rated as a top employer by employees
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Christ & Heiri Group celebrates Christmas party together at Europapark
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Grieshaber Feinmechanik is now officially a climate-neutral company
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Éxito de la ceremonia de apertura en la sede de México
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Training starts in autumn 2021 at Grieshaber Feinmechanik
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Christ & Heiri AG publishes sustainability declaration 2020 (DNK)
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Successful certification according to ISO 9001 at our location in Mexico
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Die 5 neuen Citizen A20 Einspindel-Drehmaschinen
Grieshaber Feinmechanik invests in new CNC single-spindle lathes
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Das neue Produktiosgebäude am Ortseingang von Selzach
Christ & Heiri AG moves into a further production site in Selzach
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Auf dem Bild (von links nach rechts): Herr Zimmermann (Produktionsleiter Christ & Heiri), Herr Bier (Einkäufer Brose), Herr Seeler (Finanzdirektor Christ & Heiri Gruppe und CEO Grieshaber Feinmechanik), Herr Brunner (CEO Christ & Heiri AG)
In 2019 Christ & Heiri receives the fourth Brose Key Supplier Award in a row
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Führung durch die Produktion
It was great! Successful open day at Grieshaber Feinmechanik
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Auf dem Bild (von links nach rechts): Herr Bier (Einkäufer Brose), Herr Zimmermann (Leiter Produktion Christ & Heiri), Frau Schneider (Einkaufsleiterin Brose), Herr Brunner (Geschäftsführer Christ & Heiri und technischer Leiter Christ & Heiri Gruppe)
Christ & Heiri receives the Brose Key Supplier Award for the third time in a row
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Move to a new production facility
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Christ & Heiri receives the Brose Key Supplier Award for the second time in a row
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Christ & Heiri takes over Grieshaber Feinmechanik
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New testing and packaging machine
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BROSE KEY Supplier-Award 2016
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Successful succession planning
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